Working with Tables

The following table operations are supported by php-dynamodb.

Listing Tables

To see a list of the tables that exist in your database, use the listTables() method. It will return an indexed array that stores the names of the existing tables.


$tables = $adapter->listTables();
foreach ($tables as $table) {
    echo $table . PHP_EOL;

Creating Tables

Simple table creation can be accomplished using the adapter’s createTable() method. The method takes the table name as an optional parameter (you can, instead, use the useTable() method and pass it the table name) and an optional array that specifies the table’s key schema.


$result = $adapter->useTable('myTable')->createTable();

More complex table creation can be accomplished using the CreateTableOperation class, an instance of which can be created using the OperationFactory.


use Guillermoandrae\DynamoDb\Constant\AttributeTypes;
use Guillermoandrae\DynamoDb\Constant\KeyTypes;
use Guillermoandrae\DynamoDb\DynamoDbAdapter;

$operation = new CreateTableOperation('myTable', [
    'name' => [AttributeTypes::STRING, KeyTypes::HASH],
    'year' => [AttributeTypes::NUMBER, KeyTypes::RANGE],
$result = $operation->execute();


By default, php-dynamodb will use 5 read capacity units and 5 write capacity units when creating tables.

Deleting Tables

To delete a table in your database, use the deleteTable() method. It will return a boolean value that indicates whether or not the deletion was successful.


$result = $adapter->deleteTable('myTable');